I was able to get my work wrapped up and met with Nicole in time to meet Pat at the airport. I almost had a disaster on my way to have coffee with Nicole. I got a bottle of wine for her as a thank you gift, and as we were walking down to the terrace, I slipped and fell on the stairs. I somehow managed to catch myself and not drop the bag with the bottle of wine in it. What a way to end my internship that would have been, falling down the stairs and smashing a wine bottle.
It was easy to spot Pat at the airport as the only one wearing a Jays hat. I made a bet with Pat that he would not see a single other man wearing a ball cap, but I lost about 40 francs just on the way back from the airport. Pat was pretty jet lagged and sleepy, so he napped at the hotel while I ran some errands, figuring out the reservation for dinner, and storing my big bag in the foyer basement.
We caught up with the interns group at Scandale, a pizza restaurant nearby. There were 35 interns RSVP'd for dinner, a lot more than my estimated 20, so we had to go to the basement to eat. It was kind of a shame on such a beautiful evening, but it was easier to socialize with more people down in the "lounge" area than it would have been sitting at a huge table.
I'm sure it must have been overwhelming for Pat to meet so many people at once, but he did well to be social even on so little sleep. He even had a little "baby foot" (fooseball) tournament going.
Interns do Thai karaoke |
Nat & Pat! |