Saturday, 5 April 2014

Wednesday, fajita day.

My supervisor is travelling to India next week, so on Wednesday we went out for lunch at a restaurant nearby WHO.  It was nice to get outside the office during the day and to have some time to socialize with Ahmad, Nicole and Anne.

Wednesday night, I had another group of friends over to the foyer for another fajita dinner.  Some girls couldn't make it last week, so I decided to host another.  All the fajitas and fixings, including fruit for dessert cost my around 25 CHF, which easily fed 6 people for less than the cost of dinner and a drink for one here in Geneva.  Plus, I enjoy cooking for other people, it's much more satisfying than cooking for myself and then eating the same dish for 6 meals straight.

I am trying to eat up all the food I have left in my place, since I move out next Friday.  I see a lot of rice and lentils in my future...

Birth day display in the library
There is a new photography gallery on display in the library called birth day, all about child birth around the world.  I haven't had a chance yet to look at all the photos, but this counter is on display in the lobby, counting how many babies have been born around the world starting from midnight, today.  I think I took this photo at about 5:30 when I was leaving.  It is mind boggling to think that there are over 300,000 babies born across the world ever day!  That is pretty much the entire population of London, Ontario born in a single day.

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