Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Internship day 2

I have a feeling that my blog entries won't be as interesting now that I'm at work every day, but I'll try to keep updating anyways.

Today I finished all of my introductory readings and got more familliar with the offices.  One of my fellow interns took me for a bit of a tour of the building.  There are two little gyms in the basement (WAY in the basement) that we are able to use for free as interns.  We also went to pick out our official "Intern Glass" (our only payment as interns), which looks suspiciously an Ikea cup with WHO printed on it. They were out of English cups, and French ones too, so I got Spanish. 

I had lunch with some of the executive from the WHO interns association.  Both the president and vice president are also Canadian.  The vice president is from the UW MPH program, and I was the preceptor for her biostats course.  I also met a woman from Cayman Islands who knows both Joel and Kaitlyn from the U of T swim team. I'm thinking about getting involved with the association, but I'll wait and see how busy things get first. 

This is the week of the Executive Board meetings at WHO, so there are representatives here from all 194 member states.  The offices are very busy and traffic is pretty crazy in the mornings.  I'm hoping to be able to sit in on some of the meetings later in the week, just for curiosity's sake.  So far, the galleries have been full all week. 

I also discovered the library today, which is a great spot to do some reading on comfy chairs, away from the bustle of our little intern office.

Another intern told me about a nearby pool where a monthly membership is only 20 Francs.  It is 33.33m long (!?), but it on my way to work.  It was closed tonight, but I am going to go back tomorrow and check it out, it will be nice to get back in the water!
Piscine de Varembé

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