Sunday, 19 January 2014

Ready to get to work

Today, I spent a rather typical Sunday, sleeping in a bit, doing laundry and getting ready for the week ahead.  Unfortunately, every store in the city is closed Sundays, so that hampered my preparations a bit.  I am still lacking a dish cloth or dish soap to wash any of my dishes.

This morning I did a trial run of my walk to work.  I've decided to walk the 40 minutes instead of taking the bus, to get some exercise and to save the bus fare.  It's a good thing I did a test run, because I ended up getting a bit lost.  My walk to work should be an pleasant one, either along the lake and through a park or through the Palais des Nations.
WHO office.
Later in the afternoon, I went to check out the "Gratiferia" that I saw advertised on the Geneva Interns Association facebook page.  It was kind of like a garage sale, except everything was free!  The GIA does what they can to support interns in the city, knowing the high cost of living.  I found a laundry bag, and a pair of work shoes and got a cup of tea.
A free market!

This evening, I made some spaghetti and ate with some of the ladies from the Foyer.  I even helped one of them study for her criminology exam.

I am really looking forward to starting work tomorrow.  I have been feeling a little bit homesick, and having something to put my energy into and keep me busy will be very helpful.

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