I just had a really great Skype chat with a Prof. from Brock about our group capstone project. She seems pretty excited that our group is wanting to move some of her quality improvement work forward and she's willing to give us some support. I hope that we can actually end up producing something that will be useful from this project!
We had another new intern move into our office. Her name is Sandra and she is from Lausanne, but originally from Ivory Coast. We will have a full house for a couple of days, until Eleni leaves on Friday. It is a constant conveyor belt of interns in and out of the WHO. I think the highlight of the day in our intern cave was when not one but TWO staff came by with free food from meetings.
I haven't taken any good pictures lately. I need to be sure to bring my camera with me so that I have something to share with you on here!
I'm going to spend the rest of my night trying to get school work done, but in reality I'll probably be reading about the craziness that is going down in Ukraine.
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