Sunday, 23 March 2014

More farewells

Sorry, I've got behind again.  It has been a busy weekend!  Friday after work I went to another farewell dinner for Karin, who I have been working out with after work a few times a week.  We went to la buvette de paquis at the bains de paquis.  It was quite convenient for me, since it is right near my house.  I met some new people, even at the farewell dinner, there is always new people to meet!

The jet d'eau over Bains de Paquis
After dinner, we met back up with the rest of the WHO intern group for drinks at l'apothicaire cocktail in plains palais.  Some interns who are medical students in the US were celebrating matching for residencies, and some others were celebrating their last week at WHO.  We paid 15 CHF for fancy cocktails at apothicaire, and then made our way to a cheaper establishment.  I was a fun evening, and it really is nice be able to go out to an intern event and see so many familiar faces.  I am definitely feeling a part of a community here now.
Karin's farewell dinner group

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